How do I share a media file? How do I use my OneDrive, RMC Google, and YouTube?
OneDrive: Browse to (or on the RMC webpage search for “BuzzNet”). Log in using your RMC username and password. Refer to the tutorial for accessing and sharing files saved in your OneDrive. [Note: OneDrive is mapped as an external drive on college-issued computers, but accessing it on the web gives you more sharing options.] Learn more about OneDrive here:
RMC Google (formerly called G-Suite): Access at If you are already logged in to your personal Google account, be sure to logout. Then log in using your RMC username and password. Watch the tutorial.
YouTube: YouTube is included in the RMC Workspace. Videos less than 15 minutes may be uploaded to YouTube following this instruction. Longer videos require you change a setting in your RMC Google Account. It is not necessary to create YouTube channels for your course videos.