How can I use YouTube captions in Canvas Studio?

You've already recorded and uploaded a lecture to YouTube - and they created captions for you. Here's how to get those captions into Canvas Studio.


*You may only reuse the captions of YouTube videos owned by you.

  1. Use the Chrome browser to access your YouTube account:
  2. Select "Videos" on the left menu (1) to display all your videos, then click on the pencil icon for "Details" (2)
    Screenshot of YouTube Studio
  3. Select "Subtitles" on the left menu (1)
    Locate the published subtitle, and click the 3-dot menu (2)
    Select "Edit on Classic Studio" (3)
    Screenshot of YouTube Studio
  4. On the subtitles and CC page:
    From the "Actions dropdown list, select ".srt" [this is the subtitle's format]
    You will be prompted to save the file. Make sure it is an SRT file (*.srt).
    Screenshot of YouTube Studio
  5. In your Canvas Studio, open the video to which you want to add captions.
    Select "Captions" (1)
    Select "English" to upload your saved *.srt file (2)
    Screenshot of Canvas Studio
  6. In the video control bar, turn on the Closed Captioning [CC] by selecting "English"
    Screenshot of Canvas Studio captioning
  • Last Updated Aug 06, 2020
  • Views 1252
  • Answered By Nancy Falciani-White

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